Google Authentication

Google Authenticator generates 2-Step Verification codes on your phone. 2-Step Verification provides stronger security for your Google Account by requiring a second verification step when you sign in. In addition to your password, youll also need a code generated by the Google Authenticator app on your phone.

Use Two-factor Authentication

Google Authenticator is a mobile security application based on two-factor authentication (2FA) that helps to verify user identities before granting them access to websites and services. Two-factor authentication makes it less likely that an intruder can masquerade as an authorized user.

Google Authenticator and how it works?


How Google Authenticator Works?

Google Authenticator is the application based on two-factor Authentication (2FA) that helps for identifying user identity and the confirmation on what a user claims to be and whether he actually is.

Two-step verification?

Google Authenticator is used for two-step verification based on Time-based One Time Password(TOTP) and HMAC-based One Time Password(HOTP) for authenticating users.


TOTP is an algorithm that computes a one-time password from a shared secret key and the current time. HTOP is an algorithm which uses hmac algorithm to generate one-time password.


Two-factor authentication makes it less likely that an intruder can masquerade as an authorized user. Authentication factors are categories of credentials used to verify that someone or something is who or what they are declared to be. There are three categories: Knowledge factors are credentials that the user knows, typically a user name and password; possession factors are things that the user has, typically a mobile phone; and inherence factors are things that the user is, typically a biometric characteristic such as a fingerprint or an iris pattern.

Why choose this modules for Your Business?

Integrating Google Authenticator into your business ensures robust security for your accounts and sensitive data. By requiring a second verification step, it significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access. This module is essential for businesses that prioritize data security and aim to protect their assets from potential cyber threats. With Google Authenticator, you can provide your clients and employees with peace of mind knowing that their information is safeguarded with state-of-the-art security measures.

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