
Telegram is an instant messaging tool that allows you to send and receive messages from your contacts even without sharing your phone number.

More Effective With Telegram Notification

Experience seamless communication and efficient transactions with Telegram's integrated marketplace. Connect with buyers and sellers without sharing your phone number, ensuring privacy and convenience.

End-to-End Encryption

Telegram is known for its end-to-end encryption, to the point that many specialists recommend it when talking about sensitive topics.


Nowadays it’s very trendy to talk about the privacy of conversations. Surely you already know that intelligence agencies track our messages and calls, so using Telegram is no longer negotiable.

Why choose this modules for Your Business?

Enhance your business operations with Telegram's marketplace module. This tool provides a secure and private platform for transactions, allowing you to connect with a broader audience while maintaining confidentiality. Benefit from instant messaging capabilities that facilitate swift communication, improving customer satisfaction and streamlining your sales process. Embrace the future of business communication with a module designed to keep your personal information safe while expanding your market reach.

Transform Your Business with Comprehensive Premium Add-ons

Unlock the full potential of your business with our extensive range of premium add-ons. From advanced payment gateways and efficiency-enhancing tools to robust communication and management integrations, our platform provides everything you need in one convenient place. Elevate your operations, streamline processes, and deliver exceptional value to your clients with seamless, powerful solutions designed to meet all your business needs.

  • Many Booking Type
  • Many Payment Integration
  • Full Access to All Integrations
  • Advanced Security Options
  • Comprehensive Client Management
  • Detailed Reporting and Analytics
  • Optimized Business Themes For Business Setup
0.0$ /Year
Billed yearly, or 0.0$/ if paid yearly

Discover Our Versatile Add-ons

Explore our diverse range of premium plugins designed to enhance every aspect of your business. Whether you need advanced payment gateways, efficiency tools, or seamless communication and monitoring integration, we have it all. Elevate your business with the perfect accessory to suit your unique needs and the latest trends.

Flexible Hours

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Repeat Appointments

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Team Booking

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Tracking Pixel

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WhatsApp API

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